34 Weeks & Maternity Photos

Though “blogging” was never my intent – really I just wanted to document my journey – I will still go on record as saying that I’ve been a terrible blogger. 

2nd trimester got a little boring and then when things “picked up again,” I was just out of the habit. Around week 30-31, things started to get increasingly uncomfortable and now I feel like I have a new sensation or symptom every couple of days. Most of it is the cliche stuff, not worth writing home about. Some days are more uncomfortable than others, but I am not quick to complain. After what it took to get here, I am grateful for every ache and pain.  In a nutshell:

  • there’s lots of peeing (thankfully no sneezing, laughing, or coughing leakage… hoping to keep it that way)
  • there’s lots of moaning and groaning to get comfortable / reposition in bed
  • there’s not a lot of room in my stomach for food
  • indigestion 
  • +29 pounds (and still 5 weeks to go?!? YIKES!!!)
  • shaving, getting dressed, anything involving bending… is definitely a challenge now
  • as of today, it feels like I got punched in the crotch – this is the first thing that has really affected my mobility

On August 30, we attended a childbirth class. That night, after MUCH thought over the course of the past few months, I committed to a plan that includes a fully natural childbirth – barring any unforeseen medical circumstances, of course. To that end, my stability ball has been purchased, and I have started to collect some helpful items for my hospital bag.

Rob and his dad continued to paint the nursery tonight. Now all that’s left to paint is the trim. Of course, Macie wanted to get in on the action, too.

As you can see in the pic, we also had a ceiling fan with a light installed. The furniture is being delivered a week from tomorrow, which will be about 4 weeks shy of D Day. Cutting it a bit close, but that’s how we roll over here. 

Yesterday afternoon, my sister treated us (insisted on!) a maternity photo shoot. I am so lucky to have a sister who enjoys and is so good at photography. I didn’t think I wanted maternity photos but now I am so glad we have them. It was absolutely GORGEOUS yesterday and we had a lot of fun, too. Here are a few of my faves. 



13 thoughts on “34 Weeks & Maternity Photos

  1. The pictures turned out beautifully! And holy cow…are you seriously 34 weeks already!?!? How did that happen!?!? Good to hear that things have been fairly uneventful for you. Not too much longer now!

  2. Great photos! You can let your sister know that if she’s in my neighbourhood we’d love a shoot too! 😉 (Montreal, Canada, hehe) You look great sweetie, you’re so close now! Unreal ! I felt the same as you leading up to my first delivery, and found two books particularly helpful : “natural hospital birth” and “ina mae gaskin’s guide to childbirth”. I’m going to look into hypno birthing stuff this time around – I definitely used those concepts the first time to reduce pain, but didn’t know much about it. Good luck to you! Xx

    • I will pass the compliment along to my sister… I’m sure she wishes she lived closer to Montreal than good old New Jersey! 😉 Thanks for the book recommendations! I will look into them today!!!

  3. Wow, you’re still shaving?? That’s amazing, I gave up weeks ago… ^^’

    Gorgeous photos, especially that last one. Many compliments to your sister! I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well – “bon courage” as they say over here!

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