36 and 5

The past few weeks in photos:


35 week bump


family and friends shower


a note “from the dog” with some advice and a gift


my beautiful sister and me at the fabulous shower she threw for me- never cropped the top of the screen shot am too lazy now


school shower


omg… absolutely no resemblance to my nonpreggo feet and legs


aunt-to-be reading books I received as gifts in the nursery-in-progress


guest room holding ground for gifts before we went through and organized


36 weeks 4 days…


reclining glider arrived today and I am obsessed


34 Weeks & Maternity Photos

Though “blogging” was never my intent – really I just wanted to document my journey – I will still go on record as saying that I’ve been a terrible blogger. 

2nd trimester got a little boring and then when things “picked up again,” I was just out of the habit. Around week 30-31, things started to get increasingly uncomfortable and now I feel like I have a new sensation or symptom every couple of days. Most of it is the cliche stuff, not worth writing home about. Some days are more uncomfortable than others, but I am not quick to complain. After what it took to get here, I am grateful for every ache and pain.  In a nutshell:

  • there’s lots of peeing (thankfully no sneezing, laughing, or coughing leakage… hoping to keep it that way)
  • there’s lots of moaning and groaning to get comfortable / reposition in bed
  • there’s not a lot of room in my stomach for food
  • indigestion 
  • +29 pounds (and still 5 weeks to go?!? YIKES!!!)
  • shaving, getting dressed, anything involving bending… is definitely a challenge now
  • as of today, it feels like I got punched in the crotch – this is the first thing that has really affected my mobility

On August 30, we attended a childbirth class. That night, after MUCH thought over the course of the past few months, I committed to a plan that includes a fully natural childbirth – barring any unforeseen medical circumstances, of course. To that end, my stability ball has been purchased, and I have started to collect some helpful items for my hospital bag.

Rob and his dad continued to paint the nursery tonight. Now all that’s left to paint is the trim. Of course, Macie wanted to get in on the action, too.

As you can see in the pic, we also had a ceiling fan with a light installed. The furniture is being delivered a week from tomorrow, which will be about 4 weeks shy of D Day. Cutting it a bit close, but that’s how we roll over here. 

Yesterday afternoon, my sister treated us (insisted on!) a maternity photo shoot. I am so lucky to have a sister who enjoys and is so good at photography. I didn’t think I wanted maternity photos but now I am so glad we have them. It was absolutely GORGEOUS yesterday and we had a lot of fun, too. Here are a few of my faves. 



29 Weeks – #canklesarereal

  • I will start by saying that I’m still feeling great. Sure I have some expected symptoms, but I really can’t complain. Pregnancy is treating me well and I feel really lucky about that. A year ago at this time, I was pregnant and on eggshells waiting to find out if my crappy first beta would double (it did). I had no idea what the next few weeks would bring. I am damn lucky to be in my 3rd trimester and I am not about to complain about a few standard pregnancy symptoms. BUT, I will make note of them…
  • Like the title says, cankles are a real thing. I naively thought I was going to avoid them. They are a third trimester reality, and the August heat isn’t helping. It should be noted that my feet are usually small, I have bony ankles, and they fit in these sneakers fine until yesterday.   
  • 3 hour glucose test is tomorrow morning. Womp womp.
  • In looking back through my photos, it seems my first bump “pop” was around 20-21 weeks. I’ve been growing pretty steadily since then.



  • Stuffy nose.
  • Sleep is getting a little more uncomfortable and I need my pregnancy pillow regularly in order to be comfortable. I get heartburn or indigestion (or whatever it is) if I lay flat, but if I prop myself up and lay on my left side, it usually subsides.
  • Harder to shave, put pants / shoes on. This is a very hard sensation to describe. Bending makes it difficult to breathe. Oh, and it sometimes pushes on my bladder in really undesirable ways.
  • I’m not “kick counting.” I know me. This will make me neurotic. I feel the baby squirming around throughout the day. I thought movements would be stronger than they are. Rob still has not seen or felt any movement from the outside, but neither of us has the patience to try too hard. 
  • Registry is done (thank god- it was a pretty painful process for me). Nursery is not started. I’m honestly not stressing. It will happen.
  • 2 months, 2 weeks, and 2 days until Baby A due date. My last day of work will be October 2. Baby due October 22. Lots of 2s… 
  • Leg cramps, and leg cramps, and leg cramps.
  • There was some baby shower drama, but I think it is all resolved. 
  • There was some childbirth class drama, but I think that is also all resolved.
  • My stomach got really tight and painful in the middle of Jazzercise last night. I got frustrated because I had to take my workout way down. The tightness seems more exaggerated at night.
  • No cravings, no aversions, no stretch marks…
  • With 11 weeks to go, I realize I know next to nothing about childbirth, breastfeeding, or how to take care of a newborn…so, yeah… I should probably get on that…

That pretty much brings us up to date. 

I will add if I think of something thing else. 😊

23 Weeks

Truth: 2nd trimester is slow (read: boring) and there’s not much to “write home about.”  Having said that, since I haven’t really updated in a while, there are at least a few things worth mentioning, for the record.

Anatomy Scan & Doctor Visits: The anatomy scan had to be completed in two sessions because Baby was not being cooperative. I did write about the first session in another post. A week ago, I went back for part 2, and they were able to get all of the measurements and pics they needed. The doctor said the heart is “textbook perfect,” and everything looks great. Phew. One more hurdle… 

Yesterday I had a quick check up with the regular OBGYN. Fundal measurements and heartbeat are A.O.K. Next up… glucose tolerance test. Yikes!

Weight: total gain +12 and change

Sleep: Getting harder. I sleep well every other night. This is because one night I sleep terribly and the next night I’m so exhausted I could probably sleep through the apocalypse. My mom treated me to a snoogle, at my not-so-subtle request. I like it for napping but not for a full night’s sleep. They need a snoogle for short people; it’s a little unwieldy. The dog, however, LOVES the snoogle at all times of day (see pic below!), I wake up with hip pain from sleeping on my side, and stiff legs, but it’s not too bad. Peeing 1-2x per night. I’m thirstiest at night, which doesn’t help.

Best Stuff: Ordered the nursery furniture, set a date for baby shower, went back to Jazzercise!!! (not teaching yet; doing low impact in back of the room) – boy did I miss it, growing bump

Hard Stuff: Hubs working the summer job leaves me “single” for long stretches at times, I miss summer drinking (and sushi, and tuna in all forms), drinking enough water, waiting to feel more movement, figuring out maternity leave, popping the registry cherry…

Food: sweets, sweets, sweets… juice, fruit, baked goods, small snacks and meals work better than three full meals a day, some days I don’t really have much of an appetite at all (these are the days I end up eating an entire bag of candy corn instead of actual food)

Some recent pics:


my pupster with the snoogle

22 Weeks & 8th Grade Graduation

8th grade graduation day… always a proud day, and always a tear jerker. This year we added preggo hormones to the equation! One of my students from last year wrote and read the speech and I just couldn’t keep it together. I have only been out of the classroom as the district middle school literacy coach for one year and I am already yearning to be back in the trenches with the kids. With baby on the way, I will hold off on that for a bit and see what life has in store, but I definitely see myself back in the classroom at some point.

22 weeks today. 


The Difference 2 Weeks Makes

In the past 2 weeks, I have lost my waist line, my boobs have exploded, and I’m getting very nervous to step on a scale again. 

People keep telling me how great I look for 21 weeks, which I do appreciate. (Small victory: still wearing heels to work! Woohoo!) However, I think my pregnancy anxieties are coming true: I am not destined to have a cute defined bump; I am destined to fill out and round off all over. I think I will have my postpartum work cut out for me. 


Baby is worth it, of course! I didn’t get it when pregnant women complained about losing their bodies and hating how they looked, but ok… I get it now. I’m thrilled to be here and wouldn’t have it any other way, but I do get it.

20 Weeks

I couldn’t resist posting a photo first thing this morning, but I will do a little more of an update now. 

Honestly, there’s not much to say. Hubs and I are taking a long weekend to Martha’s Vineyard… our first “vacation” in 3 years since our honeymoon. I guess you could call it a ‘babymoon…’ or you could just say he finally felt guilty enough to take a weekend off of work. The weather is going to be iffy, but a weekend away is a weekend away. You won’t hear me complaining!

All in all, I am feeling pretty good. Every three days or so, I am noticing moderately intense cramps on my left side for a few hours in the early evening. They don’t seem to be brought on by anything in particular. If possible, I am getting in to bed when this happens. My anatomy scan is scheduled for Tuesday, so I will mention it to the doctor. Hopefully baby will check out fine and it’s all part of the growing pains process.

Speaking of anatomy scans… I FINALLY GET TO SEE MY DOODLEBUG AGAIN!!! I can not wait. Mom and sister will be joining me and I am so excited to share the experience with them. Of course I am a little anxious because I want everything to look healthy and perfect, but mostly I am just soooo looking forward to catching a glimpse… or 10… of Baby A!!! We will not be finding out the gender. I’m looking forward to hearing it announced in the delivery room. 

That’s really about it. I’m still sleeping pretty well. Have a little shortness of breath and the tiniest amount of indigestion here and there (at least I think that’s what it is?!?). Still feeling little flutters and anticipating the first bigger movements. 

Can’t believe we are at 20 weeks!

 “Whoooaaaa we’re halfway there! Whooooaaaa! Livin’ on a prayer!” 

Half Baked 


20 weeks – 7 AM

Maternity pants with pre-prego shirt. The look of the bump so largely depends on what I am wearing at this point. Yesterday I didn’t appear to have any bump at all. Waiting for the infamous “pop,” but fearing I may just be one of those people who looks all around puffy and chubby the whole time! Maybe I should stop eating this coffee roll from Dunkin’ 

<le sigh…>

(But really as long as baby is healthy, I don’t care what I look like on the outside!!!)