The Woman Behind the Blog

I want to use this bright and sunny (though still frigid) Saturday to come out from behind the blogging curtain.

When I started this blog, I made the decision to be anonymous. At the time, I wasn’t broadcasting about my fertility to many people in my real life. I was nervous that somehow someone would stumble upon my blog and my cover would be blown. And of course, there are the posts about sex, fights, and other very personal aspects of life that you wouldn’t necessarily want a random colleague to read about in black and white.

That was years ago, and my relationships with many of you have grown. My blog has changed. Basically everyone who knows me knows my journey. So I decided that I was ready to put a face and name to my blog.

Here we are on New Years Eve (just a couple of months ago).

Rob, Holli, and of course our precious Macie.

Here’s an artsy shot I took of myself in January.

Well… that’s it! You can call me Holli now and put a face to my name. 💖

My Fur Baby

This post is not related to fertility, IVF, or pregnancy in any way. It’s about my best girl. My puppy Macie. Seriously, my dog is my saving grace on many days. I would just cuddle her 24/7 if I could!!!

If moms can brag about potty training, good grades, and other accolades, then I can brag about this day care article. …Yes, my puppy goes to day care. 🐾



Sunday Snuggles

This is what I woke up to this morning:

(and yes, that is my thigh she has comfortably chosen as a pillow).

Confession: I’m obsessed with my dog. We adopted her 2 and a half years ago and she is definitely the most important thing in the world to me, along with my family. I never understood how people could feel this way about an animal until we had her home. (P.S. I’m still skeptical about cat people, but that’s another story – 😉 ). This precious pup’s name is Macie, and I can say with 100% certainty that she is the cutest, most intelligent, fastest, most fun dog on the planet. Note: I allow myself to think and say these things about my dog, openly, knowing full well that I will never say these things about my future human children. I tell my family that it’s helping me to get it out of my system now. Bottom line, we’ve created a princess and we love her with every fiber in our souls.

At this point, I’d like to point out how scary this is, because she is, after all, a dog. I can not fathom how I will feel when it is a baby – that I created – napping in my lap. And this is how I know, even before I really know, how utterly life changing being a mother is. And I don’t mean in the obvious ways, but down to the core of your being.

I so look forward to the day when I can understand this maternal feeling first hand… but for now, I will treasure these quiet Sunday snuggles with my best girl.