
I was starting to think that little high fertility flashing smiley face on my digital clearblue fertility monitor was developing a mind of its own.  For well over a week, that little face  has been showing up, confusing the heck out of me, and taunting me with its flashing!  Have sex NOW, NOW, NOW…!!! Your egg is about to drop! Doesn’t that stupid face know my hubby can’t handle that many days of sex in a row?  Meanwhile, the internet cheapies were all coming up negative.  As a result of all of this, my mood swings  have been intolerable, and have left R in an exasperated rage — not very sexy,  and we haven’t had ANY sex this cycle.

For sure, we were out this month, until…

TA DA!  A second clear, dark line on that gorgeous blue stick.  I threw the Clearblue into the garbage and did a little happy dance. Text to the man, who has been reffing on the soccer field all day:

omg I hope you are in the mood for a quickie before dinner.

We’re still in it for this month and I have a goooood feeling.  

Tonight and tomorrow AM for the WIN!  WOOHOO!

His response: Wow. That’s a lot of info. I just had to read.

I guess I better tone it down a little bit.  Fingers crossed for some good lovin’ later!